We get phone inquiries each day about our music service for business. When we ask “what music service are you currently using” the answer, about a quarter of the time, is “SiriusXM satellite radio”.

What People Write About Using SiriusXM for Business

Many inquiries also come through our contact page on our web site from dissatisfied users of SiriusXM satellite radio. Here are a few verbatim written comments:

  • Our business currently uses XM, but would like to find a music system that is not so repetitive.
  • I would like to hear a little more about your services. We have XM radio at a dental office in Florida and are having issues with it. Thank you!!!
  • We are an IT and technology provider for dental offices. Many of our clients use internet radio or SiriusXM but they are not happy with it. We’re trying to find them a better solution.
  • Our restaurant uses XM Radio, but it is very repetitive, and if we look for other channels that are a bit edgier, they tend to get too rough for our customers.
  • Currently using SiriusXM for business for music in our stores. Repetition is too high – employees complain they hear the same songs over and over all day.
  • We are looking for something to replace our Sirius XM radio

These written comments mirror the phone comments. You can see “repetitive music” is just one reason that provokes SiriusXM satellite radio users to contact Custom Channels.

SiriusXM is Fine for Driving, Not Great for Businesses

SiriusXM is designed for individual use, not for in-store, in-office or in-business use. National satellite radio was created in the 1990s as an alternative to AM/FM broadcast radio. It offered more music choices, often without commercials. It also began as a way to provide radio services for people in non-urban areas, especially highway travelers in remote areas where AM/FM coverage isn’t good. Today, SiriusXM can be a good music/talk/entertainment source for individual listening, especially for in-car/in-truck driving and commuting. Just like AM/FM radio, it’s easy to switch between satellite radio stations when you’re in your car and don’t like a song. But in a business, you don’t want to keep switching channels while trying to work.

Satellite radio wasn’t created primarily for one-on-one engagement more than for the public business environment. Custom Channels was created for businesses, not commuters. We are focused solely on music for business and public spaces, not for the individual consumer mass market. That means less repetition, not only in the work day but less repetition of the same songs day to day. It means song lyrics and song textures are screened for the work environment. And it means we offer better, friendly, fast customer service because we are exclusively B2B focused (business to business) with a smaller customer base than the 35 million SiriusXM subscribers.

You Get What You Pay For

One positive point about satellite radio is that it can be inexpensive. For someone looking for one of the cheapest legal music options, this might work. You get what you pay for. We strongly recommend that businesses NOT USE the consumer SiriusXM service just because it’s even cheaper. Businesses are required to pay different music licensing fees than consumers so it’s always best to use the satellite radio business service so that you stay legal and don’t short change the music makers.

If your office, store, restaurant or retail shop has experienced similar frustrations over music and you’re looking for an alternative to SiriusXM, join the growing group of people who are contacting Custom Channels. Let us demonstrate how we can improve the sound of your business with our streaming music service.